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A Dedication to Resourceful Living: A group approach to focus on what matters to the members of our community whose lives are impacted by chronic lung disease.

Breath Matters Virginia Lung Support Group

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Archived Information

Archived Meeting info 2019

Archived Meeting info 2018

Archived Meeting info 2017

Archived Meeting info 2016

Archived Meeting info 2014

Additional Archived Info

2019 Archive

December 2019 Meeting - Holiday Party

October 14, 2019 Meeting

September 2019 Meeting

July 8, 2019 Meeting

Past Meeting: August 12, 2019

Speaker: David Markham

TOPIC : Internet Fraud and Security


Johnston - Willis Hospital
1:15 PM to 3:00 PM



You're Invited! Refreshments Provided!

Past Meeting: July 8, 2019

Laughter Yoga

Slash Coleman,
MAed and Certified Laughter Yoga Leader

TOPIC : Laughter Yoga

Slash Coleman Laughter Yoga

Past Meeting: June 10, 2019

Dr. Cynthia Bettinger

TOPIC : What should you expect from your primary care provider?

Dr. Cynthia Bettinger spoke on how to organize for the best result when consulting with primary care.

Dr. Bettinger addressed:

  1. Smoking cessation and how a primary care doctor can assist in avoiding second-hand smoke
  2. Pulmonary rehab and the important benefits it can provide
  3. Working with a nutritionist
  4. Identifying specific goals and strategizing to meet them
  5. The use of steroids
  6. Importance of bone density checks
  7. Help with weight loss and dieting

Dr. Bettinger also talked about the "hamster wheel" when doctors try to see too many patients in a single day, and how some doctors arrange their days to better create a quality consultation period.

A number of questions were asked on a variety of subjects. YOU TUBE VIDEO LINK

PAST Meeting: May 13th, 2019

Theresa Altherr, BA, CIP, CCRP

TOPIC : Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Research

Video recorded at the May 13, 2019 meeting of Breathmatters.

Theresa Altherr provided an overview of clinical research, why it is important and what it can provide to participants. With research conducted through the testing and the standard four phases of study, improved treatments are developed which can save lives and improve conditions for lung disease sufferers.

She discussed what kind of person is best suited to become involved in clinical research, and how the doctors of the research team will first confirm the patient original diagnoses before placing them within the study.

Also described is the burgeoning importance of genetic research which helps to identify the best candidates for the receiving of experimental drugs.

Video recorded at the monthly Breathmatters meeting held May 13, 2019 at Johnston-Willis Hospital in Midlothian Virginia in Stalker Auditorium.

Past Meeting: April 8, 2019

Dr. Jeremiah Fabry, D.C., R.N., C.N.I.M.

Dr. Jeremiah Fabry

TOPIC : Being Your Own Best Advocate: The Value of my Yearly Physical

Dr. Fabry spoke about the value of regular checkups, and what they can (and cannot) provide.

In particular he spoke of the high value that LIPID measurements provide, and he took time to explain the process by which cholesterol is administered in the body with LDL and HDL cholesterol types.

The primary thrust of Dr. Fabry's presentation highlighted that a patient is best benefited from advocating on their own behalf, and playing an important part in the management of their own health care.

Dr. Jeremiah Fabry

Speaker Dr. Jeremiah Fabry at Breathmatters in Richmond Virginia

Past Meeting: March 11, 2019


Christina Hunt, RRT-NPS

Cristina Hunt at Breathmatters


Breathing Tips from Breathe-Live-Fit

Christina Hunt at Breath,atters March 2019

Breathmatters Meeting Christina Hunt

Christina Hunt

Christina Hunt

Speaker Christina Hunt spoke on her experience in rehabilitation for lung disease sufferers and provided helpful tips on meeting certain challenges, for example:

1. How personal bathing can be problematic for people with lung issues, and how that can be overcome.

2. When and how you should have your "rescue inhaler" at hand.

3. How to strategize to meet environmental issues.

4. Utilizing oxygen in a shower setting.

5. How terry cloth can be used to dry off in order to decrease the necessity of physical assertion in the drying off process after a bathing.

6. How important it is to take the time needed to safely and effectively use bathing as cleaning and a relaxation experience.

7. How to haul a load - carrying objects with less breathlessness.

8. Importance of upper body strength, and how to safely increase the power of muscle groups.

9. Using "purse-lip" breathing during exertion.

10. Recognizing limitations to make for the most comfortable way to handle physical tasks.

11. Rolling-totes and their utility for lung disease sufferers.

12. How to plan ahead for tasks such as moving groceries from an automobile to the home.

Breathing Tips from Breathe-Live-Fit -


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Site by
Erik Weems