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Speaker: Colleen M. LaMere

TOPIC: Nutrition

Speaker: Colleen M. LaMere

TOPIC: Nutrition

BIO: Colleen M. LaMere, RD 960 Fawn Haven Drive Midlothian, VA 23113

I was born in Tupper Lake, NY, a daughter of a high school principal and a social worker. We were a very active, outdoorsy family of 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls, growing up in the middle of the Adirondack mountains. We spent our summers on the water, boating, swimming and waterskiing and our long winters skiing and ice skating. Education, reading, sports and music were important to our parents, and to their children.

My undergraduate studies were in Human Nutrition and Diet Therapy from the State University of New York, SUNY, at Plattsburgh. I also obtained a minor degree in Chemistry. Post undergrad, I worked briefly in retail, grocery and health related platforms. Then a 3 year period helping people with weight loss goals.

A move brought our then small family back to the Adirondack Park, starting my career in clinical nutrition. I began and finished my dietetic internship and sat for my registered dietitian test. I worked approximately 10 years as a clinical dietitian at a center for physically, emotionally and developmentally challenged children and adults. I was eventually hired as the Nutrition Services Administrator, in charge of a kitchen staff of 70 people and a clinical staff of 4 diet technicians and 6 dietitians. It was here that i continued my education studying Public Health Administration at Sage College in Albany NY.

Our family made a difficult, but rewarding decision to move south to Virginia in 1994. I started working in long term care at this time. Currently I am 20 plus years consulting in LTC facilities, skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities and geriatric nutrition.

Personally, I have been married to my husband Rick for 35 years. We have 3 wonderful children. Shae, our oldest is married to Mike. She is a first grade teacher in Richmond and mother to 2 sweet girls, Maisy, 4 years old and Scout, born just a week ago. Sam is next, a civil engineer working in the family construction company, and Abby, the baby, is a sophomore at Virginia Tech.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to your group.


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Last Page Update: November 7, 2020

Breathmatters Lung Disease Support Group